MCAM DEVELOPMENT SITE | Innovation Literacy
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Innovation Literacy


Since 1980, awareness has been growing that the majority of value in today’s economy is intrinsically related to the multi-faceted domain of intangible property and rights (IP & R). Found in state-sanctioned limited monopolies like patents, copyrights, and trademarks or in contracts (franchise and license agreements; cooperative research and development agreements; trade secrets; trade agreements; exploitation rights; and restricted knowledge agreements; etc.), IP & R are estimated to account for more than 80% of the value of the global marketplace. Unfortunately, from the World Trade Organization (WTO) to the grassroots innovator, few individuals or institutions fully appreciate the:

• global imbalances in IP & R granting and enforcement;
• undue influence exerted by select corporations and governments on the implementation of regulations;
• opaque financial accountability around IP & R;
• clear differentiation between invention, innovation, and incrementalism and the degree to which paradigms to foster one adversely impact others; and,
• global economic consequence of this lack of understanding.




Integral Trade™
M·CAM®’s Integral Trade™ brand represents the value system which underlies all of our actions and exchanges. We value actions and exchanges that are conflict and oppression free, ecologically sound, transparent, are for a productive economic purpose, and that share risk and reward appropriately.


Global Innovation Commons
M·CAM®’s Global Innovation Commons™ (G.I.C ™ or GIC™) provides a world–wide repository of all innovations which, while possibly protected in one or more countries, have the ability to be used in the rest of the world due to patent expiration, abandonment, invalidity, or failure to file in–country protection. The G.I.C.™ enables the immediate “open source” generic production of most technologies – even those considered most cutting edge – in markets where patent holders failed to seek or gain protection.


Heritable Innovation Trust™
M·CAM®’s Heritable Innovation Trust™ (H.I.T ™ or HIT™) is the first non–property based means to document, protect, and steward indigenous and customary knowledge. Using an open–source end–user license agreement, the H.I.T.™ creates a de facto relationship between the source of information and those intent on its use whereby all parties, by virtue of knowledge, are obligated to cooperate.


Integral Accounting
The Integral Accounting system is an attempt, by no means exhaustive, to identify value attributes other than, but also including, money. By assessing and accounting for value as part of a system, we open the possibility to explicitly assess ecosystems for the existence of multiple value sources and seek to understand community values, thereby organizing our endeavors to optimize all value for balanced wealth recognition. The Integral Accounting system uses six key principals to account for value exchange.


Innovation Literacy Commons™
Most invention and innovation disclosures never find their way into any commercial use. This does not, however, imply that they have no utility. In fact, many times, unused or abandoned IP & R can provide the freedom to operate even in markets where third parties hold active patents and other rights.


Academic Partnerships
M·CAM®’s has maintained strong ties to the leading academic institutions that are educating future business leaders, policymakers, and global citizens in equitable, accountable knowledge-economy programs.